Noise & Sound Devices

Noise, excessive volume and pronged exposure to sound can highly damaging to long term hearing… if you work in an industry where sound is constant and exposure is unavoidable then you should be aware of just about how much sound your ears are exposed to over the working day so that you can make precautions to preserve your hearing for many a years to come.

If you have ever damaged your hearing then you should be personally aware of just how important this sense is to the working human of today. Monitoring sound output and the level of exposure to sound in the workplace is a health and safety priority here in the UK and are industry leading in this field. Based in Yorkshire, Pulsar Instruments, manufacture noise meters which monitor sound exposure, from peak levels to time lengths. If your business is in construction, transport, hospitality, or anywhere where the public may go then give Pulsar Instruments a call on +44 1723 518011 for more info.
